ERROR: libraries for project device not found. MPLAB CODE CONFIGURATOR not working for PIC16F877A MCU, using MPLAB v4.05 and Xc8 v1.44.This example is not tested with the previous versions. Software used: MPLAB X IDE v5.40 XC8 Compiler v2.20 MPLAB Code Configurator (MCC) v3.95.0 AVR8bit Lib v2.3.0 AVR-Dx DFP 1.4.75 Note: For running the demo, the installed tool versions should be the same or later. Here USART module of PIC Microcontroller is configured as UART Asynchronous Full Duplex Mode. Using UART of PIC Microcontroller with MPLAB XC8 compiler.and 18: XC8 Command-line Driver FIGURE 2-3: and 20: XC8 Command-line Driver Any assembl. and 16: XC8 Command-line Driver Table 2-2 l. and 12: 2.1 INTRODUCTION MPLAB ® XC8 C COM.